Support the College of Graduate Studies

Few if any advances in patient care would have occurred had someone not first asked questions such as "Why?" "How?" or "What if?"

Recognizing that research is the key to discovery and innovation in patient care, the Medical University of South Carolina in 1965 established a new school dedicated to training scientists in the art of biomedical research.

This school, today known as the College of Graduate Studies, performs a unique and vital function on our campus. Whereas students at the university's other five colleges are taught primarily how to care for patients, students at the College of Graduate Studies are taught how to expand and advance what we know about disease and healing. It is this understanding that ultimately allows physicians, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, therapists and other practitioners to deliver a higher level of care.

By its very nature, research is intended to break new ground and push the boundaries of what is currently understood about disease and healing. For this reason, it must be conducted in an environment that allows innovative, aggressive and sustained investigation. The College of Graduate Studies is therefore dedicated to securing and maintaining state-of-the-art facilities, technologies, and scholastic opportunities for the pursuit of graduate degrees at the master, doctoral, and postdoctoral levels.

Funding Priorities

Scholarships play a vital role in helping us provide educational opportunities for the best and brightest students and researchers-in-training. Yet, because the state of South Carolina provides less than 4% of the Medical University’s annual operating budget, we depend entirely on private support to create and offer these scholarships. Perry V. Halushka Student Research Day provides students and pre-professionals trained in clinical or basic science and translational research an opportunity to showcase their research work, meet with others who share similar interests and practice their presentation skills.

The college's Outstanding Teacher of the Year award provides us with the opportunity to recognize those individuals who have demonstrated an uncommon level of dedication and innovation in the instruction of our students..

The College of Graduate Studies Annual Giving Program

The Annual Giving Program supports a wide range of resources designed to support enhanced learning through the university, including:

  • Student financial aid
  • Expanded educational opportunities for students and alumni
  • Emergency loans, student travel and student research

Because the program supports an "unrestricted" fund, it enables the college to meet needs as they arise. It is this flexibility and responsiveness to student needs that makes the College of Graduate Studies education a truly unique and exceptional one.